Saturday, 10 August 2013

Being skinny is better than food...

So after I have struggled all week to get "back on track" with my diet -- and failed miserably -- I have now successfully completed one whole day. I've found that keeping busy & out of the house really helps. But also I had a little "pep talk" via text with Trent on Friday after we both admitted a bad start to the diet all week. He reminded me that "you're Darnae Snow and you're better than that!" 

And I thought "Damn right I am!" 

So this has become my new "mantra" to remind me that I have control of my body! I also like to remind myself that being skinny is WAY better than food! 

I think I'm safely on my way to my skinny self again! I like that version of myself! 

Monday, 5 August 2013

Back to fat camp...

So after losing the plot over the past couple of weeks and not being able to mentally stop myself from binge eating, I called my consultant on Thursday at Cohen's and booked into see her again today. I knew she wouldn't tell me anything I didn't know, but I just needed her to help me be accountable for my eating habits. And just be someone to report to. 

Today I weighed 63.4kgs. 😒 4.6 kgs more than my lowest weight. 

I have just completed Day one of my original eating plan. If it takes 14 days or more to get back to my target weight (which I think it will) I will have to do my 19 day re-feed program again too... This will teach me to not go off track again!!!

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Not doing so great...

Ok, so it's been about a month since I finished my "re-feeding" phase of my diet. All excuses aside, I have failed to eat inline with my maintenance program and have booked in to see my consultant at the clinic again on Monday. I have managed to put on about 4kgs. I know a lot of it is probably water retention that will go in a week of going strictly on my original eating program, but I think because I know how easy it is to do what I need to do to get back on track, I keep putting it off. So I have booked myself in again  for some guidance and accountability.

I have been feeling so down for the past week or two. I know that it's the food that I'm eating that is causing me to feel so out of the norm, but mentally I have not been able to stop myself! I have kept away from sugar and have found that this is a life change that I want to and will be able to maintain. I just have to be careful to not go crazy on baking and creating with my replacement sugars. These are just for TREATS! 

AndCARBOHYDRATES! They have been a killer temptation for me! I think it's a combo of the cold weather and the fact that I'm not eating sugar that I crave the blood sugar high that comes from a carb overload... Not good. I always just feel so flat after a carb binge. A bit like a sugar binge I guess. 

Them there is DAIRY! Eep! Usually Trent & I don't have milk in the fridge very often. But Lorenzo is now drinking cows milk instead of formula and so we keep a lot of milk on hand. I can guzzle so much of the stuff! It's hard to resist when it's just there! 

So much to work on mentally, but I'm getting help for my accountability. I need all the help I can get atm! I refuse to let myself go back to how I was!